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Home > MemberView > MemberView Reports > Saves, Opportunities, Social Report > Customizing Saves Report & Low Score Alerts
Customizing Saves Report & Low Score Alerts
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An update has been made to the Saves, Opportunities, Social Media & Testimonials report, specifically on the "Saves" tab. For now, this update doesn't expand to the other sections of the report, but there is plans to expand the update in the coming months. We will outline below what has changed:


  1. To start, make sure you're on the Saves Report. It should look similar to this:

  2. There are two main differences at first glance:
    1. A blue button appears above the table:
    2. Headers have been generalized



Don't know what your current parameters are set as? Select the new Review Report Criteria button and a pop-up will appear with information:


The first section of this popup outlines what the parameters are currently set as on the report. If you select the "Email Alerts parameters" section, you will see an outline of all the email triggers tied to the Saves Report. It should look similar to this: 



These changes were made because Credit Unions now have the ability to customize the responses that appear within the "Saves Report" by adjusting the parameters. This means that if they want to lower the NPS or Member Effort Scores or even add a specific question to the parameters of what qualifies as a "Save," they can. This adjustment can be applied to the email alerts that are tied to this report as well, but they can also be adjusted separately.


NOTE: Adjustments can only be made by Experience type (in other words, survey specific). You cannot customize down to the employee or team level at this time. 


If you'd like to customize these parameters, please send a message to your assigned Client Success Manager to get started! If you don't know who your assigned Client Success Manager is, feel free to send a request to the help desk - [email protected]




Can Credit Unions make this change from the user's end?
No. This request must come through the Helpdesk or Client Success. In the future, we would like to pass this functionality off to the CU Admins.


What exactly changed from how it worked before?
Previously, the "Saves Report" was not adjustable while the low score emails alerts had some customization ability. At times, this caused CUs to be uninterested in making adjustments to the alerts because of the potential confusion around the report not matching up accordingly.

Now, both "Low Score Email Alerts" and the "Saves Report Parameters" can be customized by experience, down to the question level, for each Credit Union. For example, if a CU wants to remove the Member Effort parameter that says, "If a member scores below a 6 on the Member Effort Question, they would be classified as a Save and an email alert notifies the appropriate coach," we can now remove that parameter as a whole completely if they'd like or simply lower the scoring threshold for both instances if they'd prefer.   

Lastly, there is also a change on how the scores display within the Saves report, specifically. The table headers have been more generalized to not indicate the specific scoring thresholds. For example instead of saying "Member Effort Below 6", it states "Member Effort". The thresholds were brought into the popup, for further clarification. With this change, all KPI scores that were answered from the respondent are displayed within the table. Previously within the table, the scores within the Saves table would only show if it was the reason it triggered to be a save. In the next update of this report, we will work to bring back a similar "indication", most likely a "highlighting feature" to help clarify from a glance what a response is a "save". 




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